Monday, August 24, 2009

A Father and A Son

One day, a father asked his son, "Son, what do you what to become when you grow up?"

The son replied, "I want to become a Man."

Then, the father replied, "Oh, yes, of course you will become one, but I want to know what type of Man you want to become?"

Bewildered, the son did not know how to answer.

The father followed with 2 questions, "If one day you are dead, what do you want your sons to speak about you? How do you wish them to miss you?"

The son stopped, taught for a while and said with tear in his eyes, "a caring, loving, honest and diligent man just like you."

So, what do you want your sons to perceive you? How do you wish them to miss you?


  1. Would be good if my girl can say that i am a fun loving, funny, cool n understanding mom :)
