Friday, October 30, 2009


At top management or strategic level, we set the direction to "do the right thing" - the strategies. In the execution of the strategies, we must "do the thing right" - the methodology to execute the strategies in the battle fields.

We may refer to books in history and strategies for the way great leaders set strategies at different point in time and contexts. However, due to the differences in the context and age, we must adopt these strategies
in consideration to our own unique contexts and environment. I like a Chinese cliche that say "If one read and adopt what the authors of books said whole heartedly, better do not read any book". The key is to understand the historical path that lead to current situation and learn from the great leaders how they solve their problems and crisis. Understanding in the historical path can help us to analyse and predict the future better. The KEY is exercise, broad general knowledge, in depth knowledge in your field, system thinking, ability to analyse, strategise and execute under intense pressure. By solving problems regularly, one can become a dispute resolution expert and strategiest.
The Confucious says "a genuine man do business for profit without forgoing his principles, dignity and values". They take profits from the society and return them in due course for the benefits of the society

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