Friday, October 2, 2009

Mother Nature vs Tiny Men

The greed of human causes vast deforestation, green house effect and harm to the Mother Nature. Eventhough we are aware of what we did cause the harm to Mother Nature and it is on Its way for revenge, we are still unaware of what we should do next. This could be due to our existing system in the economy, historical burden and the way we are used to live. Well, the Mother Nature is angry now. It is roaming and revenging with more ailment, natural disaster and stronger events to come. How many life has the Mother Nature claim in the past decade? Uncountable? I really have no idea.

I experienced the power of Mother Nature again during my last visit to the Morib Beach. The wave that hit me was gentle. However, I cannot image how tiny I could be if the wave roamed and swallow me with anger. I will have to say "Bye bye" to you in seconds. Then, I looked at the vessels which passed by emitted smoke in the Melacca Strait and asked myself, yes, we may contribute a little smoke via our cars, kitchens and air conds everyday, but do you know that if everyone do so, what will our next generation pay for our enjoyment and confort that we are enjoying now? Who else will suffer from our enjoyment? Do you want to leave a world with frequent natural disaster to your children and grand children? Perhaps we should return to the system thinking (Peter Senge in the Fifth Discipline) to draw out a diagram which can show the whole picture, the causation of our action, the result brought about by our conduct, other contributing factors and how this cycle continues and multiplies. Do you know that while you are sitting reading this email, what type of Volatile Organic Compounds (from carpet, paint, furniture, solvent, computers, printers and photostating machines, abestos from the acoustic mineral fibre ceiling board, plaster ceiling, etc etc) you are inhaling now? How much green house gases have you contributed? What processed food have you taken? What vitamin suppliment which the pharmaceutical companies make distorted and baseless claim have you taken? This is all caused by the greed and ignorance of human. It leads to poor environmental, mental and physical health to us. We may speak marvel but conduct otherwise. However, I am sure that we cannot live without good health.

Perhaps we need to sit down and think, is our existing values, practices and perceptions of what is green and healthy living are correct? Do we have to have a paradigm shift which could be painful and time consuming? Are you willing to undergo the pain for the future and your next generation?

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