Monday, August 31, 2009

Colin Powell's Rules

1. It ain't as bad as you think. It will look better in the morning.

2. Get mad, then get it over.

3. Avoid having your ego so close to your position that when your position falls, your ego goes with it.

4. It can be done.

5. Be careful what you choose. You may get it.

6. Don't let adverse facts stand in the way of a good decision.

7. You cann't make someone else's choices. You shouldn't let someone else make yours.

8. Check small things.

9. Share credit.

10. Remain calm. Be kind.

11. Have a vision. Be demanding.

12. Don't take counsel of your fears or naysayers.

13. Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier

Source: A Soidier's Way, An Autobiography of General Colin Powell with Joseph E. Persico, Hutchinson, London, 1995.

General Colin Powell - An advisor to four US Presidents

A Philosopher vs A Boat Man

A tale often told as well…

One day, a prominent philosopher went on a boat at a jetty. Then, the boatman started the voyage.

After a while, the philosopher asked the boatman "Do you know music?"

The boatman replied, "No, I don't."

Later, the philosopher said, "Well, you have wasted 1/3 of your life. So, do you know philosophy?"

The boatman answered, "No, I don't."

The philosopher said again, "Well, you have wasted another 1/3 of your life."

Silence was in the air. The boat gradually moved to deep sea.

Suddenly… a voice is heard, "szeeee… ." The boat is sinking!!!

The boatman asked the philosopher, "Do you know how to swim?"

The philosopher answered, "I afraid I don't."

The boatman said, "Then you have wasted all your time just knowing music and philosophy. You will die now."

I am not good with the eternity, philosophy and life after life. What I know better is science and presence. Perhaps philosophy originates from our daily life as well. However, I trust that I must do whatever in front of me good and God will decide the result. At least, I will try my best and I will appreciate the process, be it a success or failure.

Life, if so smooth and flat, without obstacle and hindrance, we can see the end, death not so far away. So, when we see obstacle as stones on our path, we can choose to take them as something that hinder us to proceed or it can choose to take them as stepping stones for us to climb up and see the horizon far ahead. Without suffering, the fruit will not be well appreciated and sweet.

Lotus grow from the mud but uncontaminated. Mud symbolizes our environment and if you feel the mud is so dirty and refuse to put in the Lotus' seed in it, well, we do not have any chance to see it grow (or otherwise) at all…

God, if He wishes to grant us any mission, He will first torture of bodies, then train up our spirit…

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Lao Tze vs Confucious

One day, Confucius paid a visit to Loa Sze for exchanging opinions and extending his knowledge. They did so for three days and three nights with much joy just like what I am enjoying doing with you now.

Before Confucius left, he sought the last advice fro Lao Sze as a conclusion for the lengthy discussion. Lao Sze said, "Whatever you leant originated from the philosophies and knowledge of the ancient scholars whose bodies had long rotten and bones decayed. Please do not rely too heavily on these in pursue for your knowledge. Another one, perhaps you should put down your prestige and be more pragmatic. It will be more beneficial to you."

Chinese History must be examined by the Emperors before it can be recorded officially. So, to what extent it can be genuine? Knowledge and philosophies from the past should be taken as reference, not something that we ought to embrace without considering the difference to the time space. I used to have an attitude that my close friends know very well. I like to scruitinise theories by examining the issues in hand from different angles and take it the way I feel it ought to be scientifically, reasonably and logically with consideration to the time space at that point in time.
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Take a cup of coffee for instance and put it still for sometimes. Which portion is the thickest with the best aroma? The most bottom portion, of course. I am sure you know what I am doing is quite irrelevant to what I was trained in. If not by going to the floor level to see what my men do, review their practices and mindset, identify the hidden costs, acquire knowledge from the suppliers, pursue self study and Kaizen, my business hardly progresses. Most of the good ingredients are at the bottom, not at the top. Without the good ingredient for those who in charge, the staffs at the bottom can bring you to Holland, man…. So does knowledge and philosophies.

By overcoming hardship, one does not necessarily go self centered with pride grow indefinitely. Whatever we do should adhere to the Laws of Nature, where equilibrium is achieved. Neither too extensively at any extreme end. Perhaps to understand the relationships of Causes and Effects are always beneficial us. Every seed that we plant will bear fruit subject to the type of seed and the way we nurture it. This is what I truly believe. Moving away from the equilibrium bring adverse impacts which could be beyond our imagination. Insanity is one of them. It will come about when we are too attached to our feelings and beliefs.

Reply from a friend about my article "Lao Tze vs Confucious"

"Another one, perhaps you should put down your prestige and be more pragmatic. It will be more beneficial to you." Trully an only an enlighten being could say such things and really mean and understand it, do we?

It is good that you do not accept everything on face value but consider this; you evaluate through your limited wisdom and vision of the world and beyond. You say the bottom bears treasures, but as all treasures and harvest originate from the good earth it is only through proper use; understood through high thinking could a good harvest be obtained. A farmer lets his lands lie fallow to reap a harvest latter on. A philosophy of long term gain. You practice Kaizen also a management philosophy. You like hands on business another philosophy appropriate to a business of your nature and present operational capacity. Think in terms of Shell Global over 180 countries and nearly 10,000 legal entities engaged in many a diverse field employing over 500,000 in various capacities; what business management philosophy then?

As for overcoming hardship resulting in pride perhaps you should reread the comparism of Gengis Khan, Hitler and Ghandi; try to reflect a little further. We have discussed in brief high thinking and low living but you still questioned such philosophies. Consider this, if everything you encounter is measured against your own life experiences what do you see? Before Columbus science said the world was flat. In the 19th century people called you crazy if you thought of manned flight. Science is ever trying to catch up with philosophy and especially religion.

Faith healing is taken as hocust pocust, yet many that modern medicine has pronounced incurable are walking healthy in defiance. Where is science now? Realise that while science and logic has a definate place in life; science is limited by its present state of advancement and new grounds are being gained daily debunking past scientific boundaries; boundaries you place on yourself when science is your only guide. Imagine travelling beyond the speed of light, science fiction today but tomorror? Logic is a systematic method to arrive at some conclusion for a given situation given past experiences. What if you had derived a incorrect conclusion from your past experiences and how wide are your past experiences? Is your logic sequence impartial and not clouded by emotion or other factors?

Philosophies that are trully worth taking as pillars in our life provide support in times of uncertainty. Example: Offer up all good conducts and avoid all evils. If a business deal with obvious detriment to society reaches you offering you immense riches what then; think back to the 1997 Asian Financial Crises. What would you have done if you were in a position to prosper on the misery of millions?

Philosopies are indeed never to be taken in its literal form blindly without regard to the circumstances of each. Sages of all ages bestow wisdom according to the potentials of the people to whom they address. As we have discussed about the Buddhist patriates who had written verses on the nature of the mind; right and wrong is really dependent on where you stand and at what level is your spiritual development. As a mongol I might sing praises of the Khan who could deliver me from a nomadic life to one of comfort, but as one of the conquered nations I would spit on the Khan's name.

"Without the good ingredient for those who in charge, the staffs at the bottom can bring you to Holland, man…. So does knowledge and philosophies." Do you see the contradiction? The men in charge's good ingredients, what is that but another management teory another word for philosophy; work ethic perhaps another reflection of philosophy; to inspire and direct those below as the Lotus flower inspires those mired in defilement to rise above it. A man is modern because? He has science? or He has culture and moral character? Philosophies if understood for its principles and applied in appropriate cases would yield a utopian society.

Sadly, almost all people abuse the principles of philosopies of the sages; twisting the literal words to justify their abhorent acts. As the word "Jihad" is often abused. Jihad as I understand it, is a personal struggle for spiritual improvement with nothing to do with killing anybody. Even you my friend; took an excerpt from the discussion between two sages, just latching on the last sentence's few words without doing what you profess; of discovering the context that it was said. Realise that as two sages discuss philosopies mundane people often drown in their depht if they wander in without adequate preparation.

Care should be taken not to discard and discount concepts we are not yet able to fully comprehend. Reflect on ourself more, do not shine your wisdom light on others but turn it back within; do you understand yourself, your actions and motivations behind those actions? Are you truly a master of yourself or a slave to an illusory image you hold to be yourself? A glimpse of high thinking. Sages of old leave the mundane world behind and cultivate in isolation for proper self reflection brings out wonderous enlightenment that those not on this path will not yet be able to comprehend. If you tell a poor farmer that the fertiliser he is using is killing the environment what would he say? If we tell the consumer to pay a little more for vegetables grown without chemicals what does he say? Each would respond according to their situation in life guided by those values and philosophies that they live by; those pillars of life that grant us a means of reference to make sense of our surroundings.

Mundane philosopies are really only there as means of reference to make sense of what we perceive amidst us. A father might tells his son upon seeing a begger:
1) "Study hard and get a good job or you'll end up like that begger" or
2) "Take pity on those less well off then yourself and practice generousity" or
3) "Careful you don't waste money on these syndicates trying to cheat our sympathy" or many other options and the child in question develops a sense of reference when he next perceives a begger.

Can this reference change? Yes, when this child encounters what he accepts as fundamental contradictions to those ingrained values. Example: He sees a friend made bankrupt through uncruplulous business partners and rendered to begging to continue living; values 1 & 3 may be overturned completely. These are mundane philosophies meant only as terms of references in our life to be used as the appropriate situation arises.

Then there are higher philosophies, transedental philosophies that go beyond life and even death or at a lower level just deals with death. These would not be discussed here as it is not the appropriate forum; conditions may arise in the future for its discussion but not in the near future.

Suffice to say, philosophies in its many forms and many names forms the pillar to the life of each person. Each of us adopt a certain stance in life deemed beneficail to ourselves. In a cultured and tolerent society, it would take but a little maturity to accept diversity in philosophies.

A progressive society would welcome any new concepts and ideas and readily discuss and debate it without any prejudice. What we do not understand or find we are presently unable to accept or adopt becomes part of our knowledge and when the time is right to manifest in our lives.

The greatest science cannot eradicate crime, morals can. The best logic can be put to criminal use but good values might prevent such abuse. Great philosopies challenge us to be more than what we are today, are we up to the call?

Man is unique among earthly beings as he has an intelligence bestowed with self awareness but is cursed by an ancestry steep in instinctive responses towards self preservation. Progression from a savage to one of cultured refinement is not in science or fancy cloths but by high thinking... philosopies.

Written by B.C. KHOO

Friday, August 28, 2009


Don't look for heroes. Be One.

Source: Robbin A. Giant Step. Pg 401

The Power of Words and Faith

Make and keep a promise - even if it means you're going to get up in he morning a little earlier and exercise. Be sure you don't violate that commitment and be sure you don't overpromise and underdeliver.

When we make and keep commitments, such as setting and achieving goals, we make emotional deposits. We increase our confidence in our own trustworthiness, in our ability to make and keep commitments to ourselves and to others.

Build slowly until your sense of honor becomes greater than your moods. Little by little, your faith in yourself will increase. A high balance in this emotional account is a great source of strenght and security..

Source: Covey S, First Things First Every Day- Because Where You're Headed Is More Important than How Fast You're Going, Daily Reflections, Simon & Schuster NY, 1997, pg 27 & 275

Change, a step ahead

What prevent us from making a change? Some of our beliefs, both personal and cultural, can hold us back.

Many people don't believe they can make a change merely because previous attempts have failed. Or they might think change has to be a long, painful process; if not, they argue (where objection handling starts), then why haven't they chaged already? Furthermore, if you resolve a problem you've been dealing with for year in a matter of minutes, you have to face your friends and family: they might ask, "If it was that easy, why did we waste time worrying about you?" With all these negative "incentive", we've learned to take a long time so people can "appreciate" our change.

Shake off this cultural hypnosis and realise that new actions will produce new result now.

Source: Robbins A, Giant Steps- Small Changes to make a big difference, 365 Daily Lesson in Self- Mastery, Simin & Schuster, 1994, pg 151

Charisma + Charm

My colleague praised me for my irresistable "Charisma" just now. Well, I think the desciption was not good enough to describe me. Perhaps she should include the word irresistable "Charm" as well..

Emm, you see, not everyone has the irresistable double Cs - "Charisma + Charm" together like ME normally. Such attributes are both precious and unique. In my unique case, the irresistable "Charisma + Charm" extends from inside to outside, physically, verbally and mentally, flowing out from the Charming ME naturally and continously...

Thus, I would like to suggest the most brilliant idea in this century...

OK, we shall set up a "Kuan Fan Club".

Yes, "Kuan Fan Club", undoubtedly.

You will be entitled to a number of benefits if you join the Club NOW. I shall outline them as follows:

1) You will have the exclusive right to enjoy my irresistable "Charisma + Charm" in your business area + areas within the radius of 20km. Please note that such exclusivity will be extended to you for life.

2) You will be given timely counselling, advise, emotional and monetary support, within 24 hour should you call me directly at 12345678 (Toll Free).

3) You will be supplied with periodicals and newsletters about the latest development of the "Kuan Fan Club", on-line articles, the future activities and the schedule in admiring my double Cs- the irresistable "Charisma and Charm".

4) The rest of benefits are not important because the 1st one is the most beneficial to our exclusive members, YOU, life long, endlessly...

We are expecting overwhelming response from the public at large. So, please ACT NOW while stock lasts.

Kindly fill in the form as follows:
(Please note that you will be given MYR50.00 upon successful registration of normal membership with Us. For registration of committee, you are entitled for MYR200.00 per person. Remember, membership is free for life to enjoy my irresistable double Cs - irresistable "Charisma + Charm")

Colour of NRIC:
Weight (in kilogram):
Height (in milimeter):
Income range: > MYR1,000.00 MYR1,000.00 to MYR2,500.00 > MYR2500.00
Marital Status:
Number of Children, if any:
Type of Membership: NORMAL / COMMITTEE
(Please scroll down)
(Next page)
(Scroll down some more..)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Competitive Advantage

Porter M, "Competitive Advantage of Nations"

The Global Competitive Report 2008- 2009 by Porter M (Harvard University) and World Economic Forum

A comprehensive study about why some countries without natural resources can thrive, prosper and become international lenders. In contrast, Porter also studied why some countries with plentiful natural resources have vast majority of population living under critical poverty, intensifying social unrest, limited economical growth and become international borrowers.


The KEY is not to prioitise what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities. And this can best be done in the context of the week.

Ideally, there is harmony, unity, and integrity between your vision and mission, your roles and goals, your priorities and plans, and your desires and discipline. In your weekly planner, there should be a place for your personal mission statement so that you can constantly refer to it. There also needs to be a place for your roles and for both short- and long-term goals.

Source: Covey S., Daily Reflections for Highly Effective People, Living the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Every Day. Page 224-225.

The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule says to "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." While on the surface that could mean to do for them what you would like to have done for you, I think the more essential meaning is to understand them deeply as individuals, the way you would want to be understood, and then to treat them in terms of that understanding.

Source: Covey S., Daily Reflections for Highly Effective People, Living the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Every Day. Page 221.

A walk from Ampang LRT to Kg Tasik Permai

Due to unforeseeable circumstances, I had to embark on an LRT trip to travel from KL to Ampang today. When I reached the Ampang LRT station, I crossed the road and waited for a bus. At a sudden, a strange idea crossed my mind. Perhaps I should take a walk home instead of waiting for a bus. With the cloudy weather, this was perhaps not a bad idea.

So, I started walking. Emmm..., there was a fruit stall before I reached the Shell petrol pump. Oh.., I see, the durian is off season now. Then, I reached the shoplots of the first phase of Ampang Waterfront. Wah..., there were shops selling chandelier lights, adorable toys, pharmaceutical products, etc. Then, I came across people sitting in some restaurants enjoying the aroma of the black coffee. They enjoyed the companionship of their friends in such cloudy and windy atmosphere. Before I reached the junction leading to Taman Bukit Indah, I saw a shelter with a canvas. A police sat inside it. Curiosity led my attention to the display in the said shelter and my leg hit a big stone accidentally. Ouhh..., I almost fell down. The police came out and gave me a hand. Then, I took a rest in the shelter and had a short chat with the police. After a short rest, I continiued my walk and the rain started pouring. Now, I am sitting in a shelter in the second phase of Ampang Waterfront, seeing the river behind the shoplots and keying in this message for YOU, my dear friend. Indeed, without the car, I saw things that I can never see even though I used to passing by this road..

Such slow and gradual walk is fruitful and effective if the result is the main concern. Going slow does not mean losing out. You may be delighted by the treasures that you may not pay attention all this while. Indeed, these treasures could be more precious and enriching. However, if I can go even slower, be more observant and conservative to the environment, I think I would have avoided the stone which may cause injury. Moreover, I do not need to exercise tonight in order to burn my lipid... (scientific name of "fat"). He he he...

The rain is about to stop shortly. I shall continue my slow, gradual and fruitful walk toward Carrefour Ampang, Taman Dagang and then my village again. In fact, I am worrying about walking up the steep slope before I could reach my house now. Nevertheless, I am pretty sure that I will have a good sleep and sweet dream tonight.

If I drive, I will miss out all these enriching experiences and precious treasures. Indeed, such walk allowed me to pay more attention to my surrounding, to discover the treasures which I may have taken for granted and be more observant to the stones which may cause us injury and slow down the journey overall (otherwise, I would have hit more stones).

Good luck, my dear friend..


Trees need H2O, CO2, sunshine and nutrients for sustainability and growth.

So, what do we need in order to sustain and excel in our work and life?

We need H2O, O2, healthy food, sunshine, good sleep, positive mindset and emotional fulfillment to sustain our efforts in the actualisation of dreams and destiny, and most importantly, the preservation of our bodies and souls.

These elements must come in BALANCE. Imagine what will happen if you have too much healthy food? It will become unhealthy leading to obesity. What if you have too much sleep, the result is one will look like a polar bear in the winter...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

An adorable monk and his beloved master

Once upon a time, there was a young adorable monk in the Shaolin Temple of China.

The monk had a master who loved him so much and took very good care of him. Whenever he made mistakes, the master would assist him without hesitation. Whenever he apologized to his master, the master would forgive him easily.

Overtimes, the monk became spoilt and made more nasty gestures deliberately. He saw taking his master for granted as a mean of joy because he knew his master would come to help him and forgive him easily.

One night, he played with some candles at a cottage behind his master hostel. A candle dropped accidentally in the bush and fire spreaded. The breath of wind accelerated the spread of fire and it shallowed the cottage and then his master's hostel fiercefully in a glimpse. Monks run out from other hostels, shouted and rescued those caught in the fire but regardless of their efforts, the fierceful fire shallowed them rapidly and brutally.

The scene was caught by the little monk in fright. He was helpless and his tear dropped continously for days. Other monks reprimanded him for his wrong doing and he suffered from his sorrow to his beloved master who could no longer assist him and forgive him. In deep depression, he lived soullessly for many years thereafter.

One night, he met his master in a dream. The master asked him what had he learnt from the accident? He could not answer. Then, the master told him to let go the poor memory and move on because he left with a hidden meaning. He left for giving the last love that he could give him in hope that he would live a meaningful and purposeful life in future.

Indeed, he left for a purpose of LOVE...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Candle in In the Dark

When we encounter problems and distress, some people choose to face it by himself while other look for a helping hand or shoulder to lean on...

If a person can confront and address it by themselves and come out from the distress with solutions, yes, he has allowed the Giant within to grow.

However, in many instances, we may be influenced by the boredom, negative taughts and paradigm that induce the growth of Evil within ourselves.

In such case, one needs to look for a helping hand, a person to talk to and/or a shoulder to lean on. He should let himself to calm down, re-tune his perception and return to the positive path. By talking to other person, hopefully the one with more positive mind, he can see the issues in hand at different angles and perception, hence walking out from the darkness with a new candle in hands...

Stages of Love

When we were formed, we lived and grew in the Palace of Love

When we were born, we were in the hands of our parents showered by Love

When we become children, we received and were taught how to Love

When we become adolents, we bump around in search for the true meaning of Love

When we are adults, we look for our second halves to actualise Love

When we have our children, we shower them with Love and show them how to Love

When we age, we rest and await the children and grandchildren to return in Love

When we decease, we will be missed with Love

Monday, August 24, 2009

A Father and A Son

One day, a father asked his son, "Son, what do you what to become when you grow up?"

The son replied, "I want to become a Man."

Then, the father replied, "Oh, yes, of course you will become one, but I want to know what type of Man you want to become?"

Bewildered, the son did not know how to answer.

The father followed with 2 questions, "If one day you are dead, what do you want your sons to speak about you? How do you wish them to miss you?"

The son stopped, taught for a while and said with tear in his eyes, "a caring, loving, honest and diligent man just like you."

So, what do you want your sons to perceive you? How do you wish them to miss you?


After the windy days, leafs fall and land on the root.

They have a place they belong and they will deform and nurture the soil to cultivate new stems and leafs.

We, after the struggle and hardship days in days out, do we have a place for our hearts and souls to rest?

We all need a place and shoulders to lean on, be it men or women, to talk when we are vulnerable and lonely.

Our parents, brothers, sisters and friends will leave us anyhow... as they have their respective paths to follow in different stages of life.

Some people rest their hearts and souls on the fields that they are interested in, for instance, religion, traveling, books, etc but are that sustainable and natural?

Does it divert from the equilibrium of the Laws of Nature?

We are incomplete without the second half... where we can give our hearts and soul in his/her hands in search for LOVE.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Eagles live in the highest branches of trees or cliffs which is cold, lonely and dangerous. However, they enjoy the latitude of where they live and the tranquility there allows their mind to be calm and sharp. Eagles have a special manner to take off compared to other birds. They must first of all observe the direction and strength of the wind before they do so. Should the correct wind reaches, they will open their wings and with the theory of aero dynamic, they rise speedily with little efforts. They enjoy the speed and latitude when they fly and their position allow them to see further and enjoy the scenery and fresh air that no other birds can enjoy.

However, being the King of all birds is not without disadvantage. By virtue of their strength and superior appearance, hunters enjoy great pleasure to hunt them down. The hunters will keep on trying the hunt the huge birds as a life long challenges or even an imaginative enemy. Should they hit their target- the Eagles, they will brag around and show their achievement to others, just like a trophy.

Young eagles have to make a great deal of efforts before they can learn to fly high and fast. They must learn from the elderly how to observe the winds and take off. However, should they fall and injured, they will learn from the lesson, heal themselves and strengthen their muscle for the next flight. Should the next wind with correct strength and direction arrives, they will take off again with greater confidence.

Eagles, being the King of prey, eat the fishes from the sea or fresh water rivers, or the animals in the wilderness only. Their eyesight is so sharp and the speed is so high that no prey can escape from their attack. Due to their pride, they would rather starve to death if you try to feed them with worms or seeds. If you try to catch them and lock them in cages, they will hit the cages to death, too. Indeed, they belong to the wilderness where the sky is their limit ONLY.

Eagles of the same type attract each others, just like you and me, my dear friends…

An Eagle vs A Hen

One day, an engle saw a hen who was busy digging soil in search for worms under a tree when he flied in high latitude.

Then, the eagle thought, "How can I live the life of the hen staying on the ground and eat worms?"

On the other hand, the hen looked up and thought, "Why the eagle spend so much efforts to fly at such height? Isn't it happier to live under the trees where the worms are in abundance?"

Please note that both of the Eagle and the Hen fall under the family kingdom of "Birds" but they have different attributes, be them inherited or developed later in thier life.

If you put a hen at such height, she will be frightened to death. Likewise, if you feed the eagle with worms or seeds, she will rather strave to death, too.

So, the choice to become an eagle or a hen is a personal preference. They have thier own places in the ecology. Indeed, there is no correct or wrong answer to it, so long that one is happy...


I read many Chinese history books and watched many historical movies recently. Perhaps the emperor I admire most is the second emperor of the Tang Dynasty, known as Lee Shie Ming. After many years of wars, China was in deep shit when he was in power. His biggest threat at that point in time was the emperor of the “Wu” people in the northern grass fields and the poverty of the country. In fact, he can be easily defeated in the initial stage but with his ultra strong determination, he struggled through and learnt along the way. Well, he was famous for his tolerance to consider and accept different opinions and people, and regards people who were high in competency and good in personality as precious as his own limbs. Imagine he was willing to injure his own hand for giving the blood to save his soldiers. The impact of this gesture to other soldiers is immerse and everlasting. To me, his tolerance can be regarded as what a Chinese cliché says “the stomach that can accommodate the mountains and rivers”. I analyzed what is “Tolerance” during my free time and found that it was indeed the ability to recognize that Men are different and not perfect, they make mistakes and should be given the benefit of doubt. You see, when we make mistakes, we excuse ourselves by saying that, “we are human maa…” Another way to look at it is if my children are young and await me to feed them, I will do anything, be it ethical or otherwise, to find anything to feed them, including cunning you. Sometimes, we may assume one is unethical or wilful but if you can put away your assumptions and stand on his positions, you may see an entirely different view. Why not we give each other some time to reflect upon and improve ourselves? Why not we give a chance to each other? I trust the natural laws that nothing is eternal except the word “Change”. Perhaps the so called wilful person has changed over the years.

Lee’s tolerance and his ability to respect differences earned him the respect and loyalty of many races, tribes and countries. What he used to worry was that he did not treat his officials and foreign embassadors in good enough manner, not his own enjoyment. In his government, he earned many genuine and different opinions and sound from different group of people and races, including the widely known general of the “Wu” people who fought with him for years, namely “Ah Shei Na Shei Mo”. This contributed in controlling his arrogance and pride, hence ensuring him from making minimum mistakes during his governance.

So, how can we define “Tolerance” in business context? Business needs network and network needs link, acceptance of and support from different people. Tolerance is perhaps an important catalyze in building the network, beside sincerity, being socialable, honesty, humor, etc.. How far we can go depend largely on who is inside our network, the basis (for interests or for genuine friendship, etc) and strength of the links and the size of your network.

A boss should have the tolerance to accept that his staffs are different and do make mistakes. Likewise, he must also recognize that he makes mistakes by himself, too. Perhaps it is his job is to bring his staffs back to the correct path, share his opinions with them of the best thing to do given the situation and give them a chance to correct themselves instead of scrutinizing and firing them whenever they make mistakes. A reasonable staff, if treated in this manner, will give his utmost devotion and loyalty to his boss. A boss with helping hands when they are in need will be treated as a life long friend and remembered for life. This is perhaps the main notion in the book “HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE” written by DALE CARNEGIE.

A LEARNING ORGANISATION, according to Peter M. Senge in his book, THE FIFTH DISCIPLINE, is an organization that allows staffs to think independently and learn from trials and errors. Without this ingredient, the boss who thinks that he is the only one who can think cannot manage the inherent problems in different sites or levels because he has 24 hours in a day only. May be after 10,000 years, according to some scientists, there will be 25 hours in a day. Moreover, staffs who work under close scrutiny fear mistakes and suffer from pressure. This in turn hinders them from trying, thinking independently, learning and improving themselves. That is what I regard as strong leaders can block staffs from thinking, except obeying orders. This type of leadership is suitable in chaotic environments only. In usual environments and with well trained staffs and clear procedures, this is perhaps not suitable.

Guess in a cup of coffee, which part has the thickest aroma? Of course it is the bottom part. Many hidden problems and answers in an organization can be found at the operational level, not on the summit. On the summit, we set the direction but we go to the bottom to get things done. Anyhow, the operational level consists of the most staffs and it is the point of the Moments of Truth (from the book known as “MOMENT OF TRUTH”), where your customers give marks to your work at the end of the day.

Please note that we earn respect from others by respecting people only, not monitoring them closely and fire them whenever things go wrong. That’s why the mature grasses always have their terminal buds facing down, for respecting people and finding answers at the bottom. This will eventually make the boss very approachable, enlarge his internal network and be able to discover the underlying problems and answers.

Another thing that I learnt from Lee is “Who are the best Gurus in your life?” There are indeed two Gurus, namely “Problems” and “Yourselves”. If you can find your way to overcome the problems you face, you have learnt a new lesson. Another way to explain this is we should treat problems as stones in front of us. Climbing up the stones can elevate us to higher latitude which in turn allows us to enjoy better scenery and fresher air after the hard work. Perhaps we may not achieve our targets after our best attempts. But please be noted that we will learn more things in the process and other people can see our attitude. This is perhaps more fruitful and important than the result alone. In conclusion, we should be grateful to those who give us “Problems” and what make the difference are our choices of reactions.

With these attributes, no doubt that the China became the most prosperous, advance and united country in the world during the Tang Dynasty. In fact, this was all accomplished within 16 years (The “Chung Kuan Years” – 629a.c. to 645a.c.).

Socrat and His Happiness

Socrates lived in a very small house with a number of his students. The house was so narrow so much so that they can hardly have a good place for resting and conversation. However, Socrates was happy. His neighbor asked him why he was so happy living in such a small house. He said, “The students are my friends. Isn’t it a great pleasure living with friends?” After a few years, his student graduated and left one by one. At a point in time, he lived in the house alone. Anyhow, he was still a happy man and this puzzled the neighbor again. The neighbor approached him and asked, “Well, your house is vacant now. Why are you still happy?” He answered, “Well, I have many teachers in my house now – the books.”

Happiness is subject to the state of mind, not environment. In the toughest time, there is beauty in it, subject to your state of mind, too. Artists are trained to see beauty in the objects of their drawing topics even though they live and draw in a very harsh environment. This is indeed the objective of Art.

When we face the challenges in life, why some people attach the challenges with pain but some take it as a game of cheese? No doubt that we all come from different background and possess our distinctive attributes, both inherited or influenced by our living environment and past experiences. This may cause us to have different interpretation to the issues in hands, I trust that we have choices - our choices in selecting our state of mind and our response to such challenges.

There are numerous definitions in “Insanity”. However, the definition that is widely accepted is the emotional attachment to some external factors. Why do we attach so much pain or pleasure and see things as indispensable? May be we cannot live without our hearts, lungs and other important organs but is the issue in hand is indeed indispensable?

Imagine, due to your superiority in competency, wealth or knowledge, your competitors and superiors are jealous and make attempts to pin you down and victimize you. This is because they sense the potential threat that you may bring about that jeopardizes their interests and positions. If they do not victimize you, their pride, livelihood and position will be at risks. This is an ecology which complies the Law of Nature. If you put a group of rats in a cage with limited food, they will response in similar manner in order to survive, too. Political rivalry exists in each and every organization. This is unavoidable. So, what are your choices now? Be an eagle to fly freely in the wilderness? Entrap yourselves and fight for survival in the cage? Or look for a place without rivalry which is rather impossible? This is all subject to your priority in your heart…

The Power of Orchids, the Survivor

Orchidaceae, the Orchid family is the largest family of flowering plants with more than 880 known genera and 22,000 accepted species. Orchids can be found in literally everywhere in the world except deserts and glacier. Its has very special attributes for survival with common plant parts like non parasitical aerial roots, nutrient storing pseudobulbs (“onion sharp trucks”), leafs without permanent woody structure which come with or without chlorophyll, a wide variety of flower structure and specialized pollination systems with very tiny and light seeds. Most species live on shrubs but some species live on soil as well, for instance, the slipper orchids which live in poorly lit and humid ground of the thick tropical rain forests.

I admire and love orchids. At some point in time during secondary education, I went for a jungle trekking in Ulu Yam with a senior friend who was an orchid fan in search for wild orchids. After all the hard work climbing slopes and crossing streams, we found some precious wild orchids deep in the jungle. Leeches and insects challenged us along the way but the success in getting the “gem” of the forest was satisfactory, though tiring. They live at lower latitude near to the streams and higher latitude in the thick forests. From thereon, my interest in orchids germinated. I saw the natural habitats of wild orchids and further reading enhanced my knowledge in them. During my tertiary education, I had more than 100 pots of orchids in my backyard. In the process of growing them, I found out that these plants possess outstanding survival skills which eventually formed part of my values, principles and characters. The rich aerial roots do not harm the host trees and capable of absorbing water in the fog. The roots obtain the nutrients from wood debris and dry leafs. In short, they tap on the growth of the host trees in search for more light while resting on the high shrubs and live in symbiosis with their host trees. The pseusobulbs store nutrients and water which are critical for survival in the dry seasons. Their pleasant scent and colorful flowers attract bees and insects for pollination and their light seeds travel to a far distance in the breath of wind, making a new voyage in search for betterment in living environment. Although they have short lifespan (normally less than 5 years), they do not choose to live decent life. Instead, they struggle to live a fruitful life and flourish with the prettiest flowers they can produce in the limited lifespan and challenging living conditions in the natural habitats.

Taking care of orchid plants of a vast variety of species with their respective living requirement involves a great deal of knowledge and patience, ranging from promoting growth of roots, prevention of fungus and insect attack, fertilizing, promoting flowering using plant hormones and creating environment that resembles their natural habitats in term of exposure to sunshine, ventilation and humidity. However, when I was able to get the setting and nutrients correct, their rapid and noticeable growth was both encouraging and satisfactory. Everyday, I could see the aerial roots and leafs grow in millimeters. Their strong roots, green leafs and blooming flowers gave me considerable sense of achievement and success. However, in the event that I did not get the setting correct, I could see leafs and roots shrunk and dried up. The immunity of some species of orchids dropped tremendously. Then, insects and pathogens followed. However, the ironical part came. I could notice the orchids forwent their leafs and stems. In turn, they preserved the nutrient in their pseudobulbs while waiting patiently for the next rain or season where it can have conducive condition for growth again. Indeed, this part was more exciting and thought provoking than the one with correct setting.

Sometimes, when I encounter challenges and tough time, I will pay a visit my beloved orchids. The objective of such gesture is to earn the motivation from their survival skills. I used to ask myself, how can lose my face to such tiny plants? What can I learn from them? Then, I will sit down and start analyzing and strategizing instead of giving up. With calmer minds and more courage to face the problems in hands, I could analyze the situation with clearer mind and to face the tough time and challenges ahead with more courage. In many instances, I could find my solutions and strategies thereafter.

My word of wisdom in tough time: “Orchids, Orchids, I love you…”

Power of Worms, the destroyers

In the ancient beliefs of Hinduism, a Principle of Trinity of the Pantheon with multitude of deities prevails whereby the Creator- Brahma, the Sustainer- Vishnu and the Destroyer- Shiva exist in correlation and equilibrium in the cycle of nature. In contrast to the western belief where the destroyer is commonly regarded as evil, the Hindu believes that the emblems of destruction are vital to the revival and sustainability of the said cycle. (Reference: Earthworms: Renewers of Agroecosystems by Matthew Werner, UC Santa Cruz Agroecology Program, and Robert L. Bugg, SAREP)

Worms, destroyers of all things mortal, are one of the critical components of the forces of destruction. They play an important role to ingest, breakdown and return the organic compounds in the simplest, none intoxicating and natural form of nutrients to the mother nature. Earthworms for instance, heavily ingest dead organic compounds like the plant litters and soils, digest and return the same in the form of fertilizing manure ranked second in term of fertility next to the lava issued from the volcanoes. Earthworm’s manure returns the nutrients and fertilizes the plants gradually for five years. Its burrowing activities reduce soil compaction, improve permeability and aeration which is critical to the health of the roots, hence generating highly fertilized and well aerated topsoil. Although neglected, earthworms work in silence and contribute substantially in the cycle of nutrients in our food chain and the natural ecology at large.

Earthworms are only part of the complex of organisms termed "decomposers" in the natural ecology. Other destroyers include springtails (Collembola), nematodes, bacteria, protozoa, and fungi.

In our life, we work and chase our dream to fulfill our necessity and desire, build our fame, sense of satisfaction and material enjoyment. Our focus and attention is mainly on the creation and sustainability of the above mentioned. In many instances, we have underestimated or even neglected the importance of “destroyer” in the complete growth of our well being and personality. Perhaps we can regard “challenges” and “problems” as the hurdle in chasing our goals. Indeed, “failure” and “disaster” could fit better in the definition of “destroyer” in our life. When confronted by “challenges” and “problems”, we need courage, clear mind and strategies. However, confrontation of “failure” and “disaster” needs all the attributes mentioned plus the ability to analyze the situation in high adrenalin level, high muscular strength, endurance, thick face, solid bones and bullet proof skins.

I like a Chinese cliché that says, “Should God intends to grant an important mission to someone, He will first of all, torture his body and train up his soul”. Historically, great men never grow in the Green Houses. They hit by numerous failures and disasters since their childhood and adolescence. For example, the founder of Ming Dynasty, Emperor Choo Yuen Chang was born in a disastrous moment during sovereign of the Mongol. He had handicapped immediate family members that he had to look after ever since his very young age. Moreover, a drought, famine and outbreak of diseases made him an orphan at the age of nine. His poor physical appearance and weak body caused his lack of self confidence and respect, hence unlikeable to others. In order to survive, he became a monk in a temple. Then, he suffered from a chronic foot disease that made him unable to walk for more than a year. Instead of submitting himself to the situation, he chose to embrace his beliefs that he could make a difference. At some point in time, he realized his master read books in Art of War, Bibliography of the ancient Emperors and Chinese History. He confronted to his master for his desire to learn such knowledge but he was rejected repeatedly. Nevertheless, his determined efforts touched his master. In turn, the master taught him all his knowledge and shared with him all his observations, analysis, opinions and strategies which eventually help in his efforts to defect the vast military forces of the Mongol Empire which led to his sovereignty of the Ming Dynasty. Indeed, he was the only founder of a Chinese Dynasty that earned such achievement without strong family background or influential political support.

“Destroyer” is importance to us in our personal development. Its regular visit in our life creates an environment for breakthroughs if it is taken positively and in due course. Regularly, we are blinded by our egoism and over confidence that cause deaf in listening to different opinions and blindness to see and evaluate different alternatives. Again, I like another Chinese cliché that say, “when wealth, ego and fame grows, people leave”. Due to the ego and arrogance, a proud man makes offensive remark and makes blunders foolishly. This in turn, causes his friends and family members to spite on him and leave him eventually.

Challenges, Problems, Failures and Disasters hit me many time in my life to-date. I would like to take this opportunity to show my appreciation and gratitude to those criticized me, challenged me, spited on me and reprimanded me when I failed to meet their expectations or standards. Their tolerance to my ego and stupidity without leaving me has given me numerous opportunities to correct myself and move on. Thank you very much again..